Thursday, September 18, 2014

Will Wales, England, Northern Ireland kick the Scots out

Oh for those living with the constant news coverage _ even across the pond,  if that were only true. Separatist attempts have become the plague of the day from Canada to the Ukraine.

The Scots may have to pay for what Robert Burns said was, “To see ourselves as others see us.”

Surely it is time for countries to have the power to throw people out. Many are dying on boats or in gullies, trying for a new dream.

Now that Scotland apparently has decided to stay in the United Kingdom perhaps that won’t be the end of it.

Some in Wales, England and Northern Ireland may want a vote on whether to keep the Scots. Has the government in Westminster given away powers to Scotland that the rest of the country does not have?

What will the European Union think. William the concessions to Scotland interfere with the way the EU is set up?

After all the Scots bagpipes are as annoying as hell, and the thought of men not wearing belts under their kilts is unthinkable.

Bravehart is more like Bravefart, though Mel Gibson really has some Scottish in his family tree.

Too often British food is confused with haggis, which the Free Dictionary says is: 
A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal.

England could reclaim Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and it would know longer be the dreaded “Scottish play.”

Half the time the Scots sound more like Russians than Brits, and thus are prime candidates for the U.K.’s British spies, although the Welsh are a close second.

The plague may have started in Scotland.

The Scots may be wishing for the luck of the Irish. Potato famine.

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